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| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
| Author | Title | Edition | Year | Price |
| Bachner, Evan | AT EASE, Navy Men of World War II. Abrams, NY, 2004, 1st. DW ($35), 4to, VG+/Fine | First Edition | 2004 | £18 |
| Bacon, Admiral Sir R H | The Life of John Rushworth Earl Jellicoe GCB, OM, GCVO, LL.D, DCL 1936, 1st. Edn. | First Edition | 1936 | £12 |
| Bacon, Francis | Essays, Moral, Economical and Political, 1822. Contemporary Full Leather Binding. Very Good. | | 1822 | £35 |
| Baedeker, Karl | Northern Germany. Handbook for Travellers. 1881. | | 1881 | £25 |
| Baedeker, Karl | Southern France Including Corsica: Handbook for Travellers. 1914 | Sixth Revised Edition | 1914 | £18 |
| BAILEY, H C | Case For Mr Fortune. Collection of British Authers Tauchnitz Edition, 1933, 1st. Edn. Thus. | Copyright Edition; 1st. Edn. Thus. | 1933 | £28 |
| Bain, Nisbet R.; Polevoi. | Russian Fairy Tales from the Skazki of Polevoi. | | 1920 | £18 |
| BAINES, Edward; James Croston (editor) | The History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster. 5 Vollumes Bound in 3; 1888-1893. with Illustrations | | 1888 | £95 |
| Ballard, Robert D. with Michael Hamilton Morgan | Graveyards of the Pacific : From Pearl Harbour to Bikini Atoll. National Geographic, 2001, 1st. Edn. DW, VG+/FINE | First Edition | 2001 | £15 |
| Barber, Peter J & George V Monk (Compilers). | British Merchant Navy Memorial Registers: British and Commonwealth Radio Officers killed at sea 1939-1945. One of Possibly Only Two in existence? This being the one compiled by George V Monk. The other Copy was given to: The Radio Officers Association. | First Edition | | £140 |