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| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
| Author | Title | Edition | Year | Price |
| TALFOURD, T. N. | Tragedies to Which are Added a Few Sonnets and Verses. London, 1844. Full Leather Binding. | | 1844 | £30 |
| Tangye, Derek | The Evening Gull. Michael Joseph, 1990, First Edition, with DW. SIGNED. Very Good | First Edition | 1990 | £10 |
| Taylor (Jane). | Fatherless Fanny or a Young Ladys First Entrance Into Life, By the Late Miss. Taylor. Derby, No Date, Early C19 | | 1820 | £18 |
| Taylor, John A | The Hebrew Concordance, Adapted to the English Bible; Disposed after the Manner of Buxtorf. In Two Volumes. London, 1754-1757, First Editions. Full Leather Binding. | First Edition | 1754 | £220 |
| TELFER, William | The Forgiveness of Sins. An essay in the History of Christian Doctrine & Practice, 1959, 1st. Edn. With Dust Wrapper. Inscribed & SIGNED By Author | First Edition | 1959 | £15 |
| TEN BRINK, J | Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Letterkunde. | | 1897 | £35 |
| Tennyson, Alfred Lord | Harold; a Drama. | First Edition? | 1877 | £8 |
| Tennyson, Alfred Lord | Poems of Tennyson 1829-1868, with an Introduction By Sir Herbert Warren. Full Leather Binding | | 1929 | £28 |
| TERENTIUS, P (Terence); Francis Hare (editor) | P. Terentii Comoediae ad exemplar faernianum a Petro Victorio editum anno M.D.LXV. Summa fide recensitae. Accedunt Faerni emendationes integrae, & quae alia erant in editione victoriana, necnon Donati... L, 1724, 1st. edn. Thus. Full Leather Binding | | 1724 | £170 |
| Thackeray, W M | 16 Vols, of the Oxford Illustrated Thackeray, ND, Full soft leather pocket edn; | | 1914 | £75 |