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| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
| Author | Title | Edition | Year | Price |
| La Fontaine, Jean De | Fables Choisies, Tome Second, Paris, 1805., | | 1805 | £15 |
| La Fontaine, Jean De; Fragonard, Lancret, Boucher, Oudry (illustrators) | Contes et nouvelles de La Fontaine. Edition Artistique Illustree. Leather Binding. | | 1900 | £18 |
| LA PLACE, Pierre Antoine de. | Oeuvres De Theatre De Mr. De La Place. Three Works in One Volume: 1- VENISE SAUVEE, 1760.; 2- CALISTE, Ou La Belle Penitente. 1759.; 3- ADELE, Comtesse De Ponthieu. 1759. | | 1760 | £35 |
| LACKEY, Mercedes | FIVE 1st. US Edn.With DWS: UNNATURAL ISSUE, 2011; INTRIGUES, 2010; CHANGES, 2011; OWLFLIGHT, 1997; & HOME FROM THE SEA, 2012. All FINE copies. | First Edition | 1997 | £30 |
| LAMARTINE, Alphonse De | Geneviève. Histoire d'une Servante. Paris, 1851, First Edition. Leather Binding. | First Editions | 1851 | £23 |
| LAMARTINE, Alphonse De | Nouvelles confidences. First Edition. Paris, 1851, First Edition. Leather Binding. | First Edition | 1851 | £23 |
| LAMARTINE, Alphonse De | OEUVRES DE LAMARTINE: Volumes One and Two. Paris, 1855. Leather Bindings. | | 1855 | £25 |
| LAMB, CHARLES; Ainger, Alfred (introduction & notes) | THE ESSAYS OF ELIA. With Introduction and Notes by Alfred Ainger. London, 1896. Full Leather Binding By Bumpus. | | 1896 | £26 |
| Lambe, John. | A Sermon Preached Before the Queen at White-Hall, on Wednesday, March 22. 1692. Being the fourth Wednesday in Lent. First Edition. Leather Binding. | First Edition | 1693 | £40 |
| Lami, Eugène & Henry Monnier | Voyage en Angleterre | | 1944 | £28 |